Friday, October 17, 2014

Students' Relationship with On-Campus Restaurants

               This will be another blog analyzing the results of my survey for this week. The numerous restaurants on campus at the University of Kentucky were a big topic of my survey. Ovid’s, K-Lair, and the student center are the most popular places, but there’s many more of these restaurants scattered across campus.
               I wanted to know how many times people eat at the on-campus restaurants per week. Just like with dining halls, 48% of the students polled eat at these restaurants less than three times a week. Unlike the frequency of students that go to dining halls, with on-campus restaurants there is a little over a quarter of students eat at these locations five to six times per week. There’s even 13% that go over eight times in just one week.
               As far as people’s satisfaction when eating at these places, all of the students that I polled said that they liked the food served at the on-campus restaurants. This probably has to do with the amazing variety that this type of food service offers. Everyone’s bound to find at least one restaurant that they enjoy eating at on-campus.
               Even though students enjoyed eating at these restaurants around campus, they are not without flaw. Many students expressed that they didn’t like the new meal swipe regulations implemented this year. Some also brought up that efficiency is a problem, especially when the lines for food get really long. Some students also feel that there are locations on campus that should probably increase their hours of operation.

               Again the accuracy of these results is not the best, because of the lack of students polled. I think that the variety of the students that I interviewed makes up for this fact. I made an effort to interview upperclassmen and freshmen, on-campus students and off-campus students.

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